Working Mum Life
Three weeks before opening our store and experience Ebony (Owner) became a new mum. This interview was part of our 'Chats with Red Hill Candle Co' series, which you can find in video form on our Instagram TV account (@redhillcandleco).
Kellie (our Master Mixologist) sat down with Ebony (owner) to share our story.
Kellie "How has it been running a business whilst becoming a mum?"
Ebony "Both are rewarding, yet challenging and would be regardless of doing it both at the same time! But I get to do what I love every single day. We’ve recently been nominated for the AusMumpreneur awards and I’ve been reflecting on being a business owner and mum more than before. I’m grateful to have an amazing team working with me on the business who don’t bat an eyelid when the playmat is rolled out on the factory floor, when I need to leave suddenly to walk the pram around the block a few times and family close by to help with Percie when I need to knuckle down. My partner is also a rockstar and couldn’t be more supportive of my dreams to make this business work.
However, there are days when I simply can’t get anything done and I have learned to be OK with that and not put too much pressure on myself. You just have to pick yourself up and give it your best crack tomorrow.
Kellie "What advice would you give to other mums thinking of starting a business?"
Ebony "Make sure you have good support systems in place and strategies to cope. Do something you are really passionate about. Make time for yourself as well as the business and communicate how you are feeling if things get too much. Especially if you have a partner, let them know when you need help and also close friends and family."